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Super-Mystery Comics
These best stories of the comic books are preceded by their issue number.
Many issues of Super-Mystery Comics can be read free online at Comic Book +.
Mr. Risk does have a standard set of clothes. Mr. Risk wears his dressy suit with an ascot, not a tie - an unusual figure of style that gives him upper class dash, and makes him stand out in a crowd.
Having apprehended the millionaire murderer, O. J. Stevens (1946). Art: Warren Kremer. A suitor tells Mr. Risk that he is suddenly not allowed to see his society girl-friend - that the new butlers won't let him in the house.
The are elements of mystery, along with thrills. Why won't the butlers let suitor Bob Horne enter? The tale comes up with a logical explanation at the end.
The two butlers are built like gorillas, as the dialogue points out (page 2). They look sharp in their tuxedo-like formal wear, with elaborate tailcoats. Their outfits combine elements of tuxedos (black ties), tailcoats, and butler's livery (the striped vests): a neat combination. This was an era in which everyone in the US wanted to dress up in formal clothes.
A pair of butlers who double as muscular bouncers who throw the hero out, recall the two footmen in The Chameleon tale "Extra!" (Target Comics #19 (Vol. 2 #7), September 1941). The butlers' outfits are fairly similar to those of the footmen in "Extra!".
Both Mr. Risk and the young suitor Bob Horne are in sharp double-breasted clothes.
The courtroom is full of tall, vertical windows. which repeat at intervals. These strong verticals are prominent in the compositions. There are also pillars and a lamppost outside the courtroom, adding to the verticals.
Something about the sea that night spelled death (1946). Tale signed "DOC". Art: Warren Kremer. Mr. Risk investigates jewel smugglers in New York City's docks. While the story never says so, the recognizable New York City bridge in the art make clear where this tale is set (page 5).
As in the previous tale, the art is strongly atmospheric, vividly conveying different locations. There are a lot of verticals in the art, which anchor the compositions. These include skyscrapers, the posts at the docks, a ladder.
Mr. Risk takes on risky situations for other people. As he explains, "I'm not a trouble shooter! I merely assume risks when others are in danger." It's a strange gimmick. But it is mildly different and original - enough to hang a series on.
Mr. Risk goes to a party uninvited (1946). Tale signed "DOC". Art: Warren Kremer. Strange, mysterious events happen at a fancy penthouse party. This tale has elements of mystery: what is the real story behind the strange events at the party? The mystery's solution, explaining the events, is logical and fairly inventive.